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[REQUEST] New Game Section
UltimateDate: Thursday, 2009-01-01, 3:07 PM | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 86
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
I want a new section for the game Archlord.
I've been asking before but no one replied -.-

Reasons why i want this game in this forum:

The game is just so much fun happy
I'll introduce Archlord for those who dont know the game.
Archlord started as an P2P mmo, but after a while codemasters
made it free, so its F2P now. Archlord is a really fun mmo
because u can make guilds, guild wars etc pk noobs and stuff.

The good part is the game is full of bugs waiting to be discovered and abused.
There are some people who know these, they use them to get rich and sell gold etc.
I know there are working hacks, its just a matter of time and skillz to find them.

Also im very active on the game, i know a lot about it so i could help any1 out
who wants to start playing the game. I recommend u should at least give it a try,
after all its a free game. U can find the official site here

Message edited by Ultimate - Thursday, 2009-01-01, 3:07 PM
AcidAlchamyDate: Thursday, 2009-01-01, 3:46 PM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 95
Reputation: 6
Status: Offline
If you think you can dedicate your self to make it worth adding...we'll add it.

(ima do it when I wake up...4:46 AM atm...)

UltimateDate: Friday, 2009-01-02, 4:33 PM | Message # 3
Group: Moderators
Messages: 86
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Thanks AcidAlchamy
I'll be able to make this worth adding.
I'm just hoping to get more Archlord players or hackers involved.
The game is easy to hack once u know the packages.

AlexDate: Saturday, 2009-01-03, 11:53 AM | Message # 4
Major general
Group: Administrators
Messages: 265
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline

Home of Garrett
nathan4rockDate: Sunday, 2009-01-04, 2:12 AM | Message # 5
Major general
Group: VIP
Messages: 278
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
Could I also make a request of a new game section?

Its Ragnarok,

Here are some details:

The Story:

After the long and gruesome war between God, Humans,
and Demons...
Scarred during the dangerous moments in battle, and avoiding total destruction altogether, the Humans, God and Demons entered a long truce

The 1000 years of fragile and forged peace...

In the land of Midgard, the existence of peace eventually led the humans to erase their memories of the scars and hardships of the wars in the past. Not remembering the faults of the past, culture was spreading throughout the land along with selfishness, corruption, and arrogance.

Then one day, strange occurrences started happening, breaking the balance that once existed in Midgard. There came a strange howl from the boundaries that divided the humans, God, and demons; creatures began attacking; increasing earthquakes and hail - and...
The mysterious legend of demons...
As the fragile peace began to fall apart, stories about the parts of Ymir, protecting the peace, began to spread among the adventurers. Forgetting the true nature of it, people set out to seek each of the pieces for their own selfishness, and the wealth that would come with it...

What is Ragnarok?

Ragnarok is an online role-playing game based on Norse mythology.
Users can create characters and venture off alone or in groups
in far-flung fantasy worlds full of adventure.

Over 20 different job classes

Players can select from a wide range of job classes that suit their individual playing style. Each job class comes with a unique array of skills and abilities. The strengths and weaknesses of these classes encourages to players of different types to form parties.

Unique Network Technology

AEGIS is a unique array of individual servers linked to together to create a series of zone servers that connect that vast worlds and people within Ragnarok Online. This allows a tremendous number of people to meet in a single world and share the experience of Ragnarok together.

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